Involving top talent from prestigious universities and research centres, small and medium-sized enterprises and industry, ten partners from six countries have joined forces to make EXA4MIND a reality and create a unique Extreme Data platform by 2026. With the series ‘Faces of EXA4MIND’ we want to introduce the people who contribute to achieving our ambitious goal: Building a platform for extreme data that enables advanced data analytics on supercomputers and automated data management with support for integration by design with EOSC and European data spaces.
Today we present Jan Martinovič, EXA4MIND project coordinator, from IT4innovations National Supercomputing Center. He states: ‘In the project we would like to help society, researchers, and industry to work with big data and to provide them an Extreme Data analytics platform’, he explains when asked about EXA4MIND’s main aim.
Watch the full interview with Jan Martinovič below.