EXA4MIND hosted its second plenary meeting in Ankara
From 4 to 6 September, the EXA4MIND consortium met in Ankara, at the METU – Middle East Technical University premises, to host its second plenary meeting. This was the second annual face-to-face consortium meeting, which allowed partners to present the work done during the first half of the year and for the whole consortium to have an overview of the state of the project.
Three days of intense work have served to review our progress, define future objectives and set the roadmap for the coming months. The EXA4MIND consortium is very happy with the work done in the past months but acknowledges the work that lies ahead to achieve its ambitious main goal: to build an Extreme Data Platform that brings together data storage systems and powerful computing infrastructures by implementing novel automated data management and effective data staging.
During the second day of the plenary meeting, the EXA4MIND consortium met for the first time with the External Advisory Board. The board, formed by a full professor at SISSA, Alessandro Laio, professor at Open University of Cyprus, Yannis Manolopoulos and Dr. Josef Spillner from ZHAW School of Engineering as Ethical Advisor, was impressed by the complexity of the project and highlighted the richness of the application cases.
EXA4MIND is the research project funded by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe programme, bringing together top talent from renowned universities and research centres, small and medium-sized enterprises and the industrial sector from 6 nationalities: Czech Republic (IT4Innovations at VSB-TUO, CIIRC at CTU , VALEO), Germany (BADW-LRZ), Turkey (METU – Middle East Technical University), Spain (AUSTRALO), France (EURAXENT, ALTRNATIV, VALEO), and Switzerland (TERRAVIEW).
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