Exa4mind – Extreme Analytics for Mining Data spaces

The European Conference on Computational & Theoretical Chemistry (EuChemS CompChem) 2023 was held from 27 to 31 August in Thessaloniki, Greece. As a platform for scientists in industry and academia to showcase recent advances, developments and trends in theoretical and computational chemistry, this year’s edition of the conference series focused on electronic structure theory and applications, artificial intelligence in chemical research, materials design, biomolecular systems, and computational chemistry in industry.

Vojtěch Mlýnský, member of the EXA4MIND consortium from IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center, presented the research results connected to force-field development. “Excited to present results about force-field development at EuChems CompChem 2023 in Thessaloniki, Greece. I had the opportunity to discuss our latest results with experts from computational chemistry. Generated data from this project would be subsequently used for the developed ADAMS4SIMS platform,” he explained.

Vojtěch Mlýnský was accompanied by Prof. Michal Otyepka, who is also a researcher in the EXA4MIND project.

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