Exa4mind – Extreme Analytics for Mining Data spaces

Terraview presents the EXA4MIND application case at the 2023 International Symposium on Grids and Clouds

Piyush Harsh, co-founder and CTO of Terraview, was invited by the organisers of the 20th International Symposium on Grids and Clouds to give a talk about how TerraviewOS enables data-driven decision-making in vineyards using resources from the public cloud. In his presentation, he spoke about the current capabilities of the platform, and how it helps the decision-makers in the vineyards to initiate timely action. TerraviewOS uses a combination of expert system and deep neural machine learning (ML) models to generate irrigation prescription maps, disease and nutrient-specific alerts, complete vineyard monitoring, and yield estimation.

Piyush Harsh spoke about Terraview plans to use a combination of Earth observation datasets and weather prediction services assisted by a novel ML-powered projection to predict the water moisture profile for any region of the earth. The EXA4MIND project is assisting Terraview in this task by providing the necessary computing and storage capacities needed, as well as supporting the necessary data ingestion, transformation, and filtering capabilities required to provide this service at the European scale.

Sensorless soil moisture profiling and moisture level prediction are important enablers for intelligent water management for agriculture use. The EXA4MIND consortium is providing all necessary support to Terraview to enable them to achieve their next milestones towards making such a vision a reality. Piyush Harsh’s presentation can be accessed here.

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