LEXIS Platform at the EuroHPC Summit 2023 and its connection to EXA4MIND
The EuroHPC Summit is considered one of the most important conferences in Europe. The EuroHPC Summit 2023 took place in Gothenburg (Sweden), and this year´s theme was “European Supercomputing Excellence in the Exascale Era”. The conference was organised by the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking and gathered more than 500 experts. IT4Innovations participated in this international HPC event and took the opportunity to introduce the EXA4MIND project.
The EuroHPC Summit gathers key European HPC community, including providers, scientific and industrial users, and policymakers, and it has been held annually since 2016. The Summit is an important moment to inform about the latest achievements and opportunities in the European supercomputing ecosystem. This year´s event was filled with speeches, discussions, parallel sessions, and project presentations, but it also gave opportunities to discuss and reflect on the current and future challenges in HPC. Four days conference provided also a great opportunity for attendees to network and connect with the European HPC community.
Jan Martinovič and Martin Golasowski from IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center also participated in the EuroHPC Summit 2023. Together with the EUMAster4HPC programme, students welcomed the visitors of the summit to the EuroHPC Demo Lab. They offered attendees live showcases of the Karolina supercomputer and presented the LEXIS Platform. The LEXIS Platform will play a crucial role in the EXA4MIND project, because Extreme Data Database extends on the potential of the LEXIS Distributed Data Infrastructure in terms of adaptivity of distributed data solutions, including top-notch SQL and noSQL database management systems.
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