EXA4MIND project coordinator, Jan Martinovic, welcomes you on board
Dear reader,
Welcome to the EXA4MIND community. I am pleased to announce the launch of our ambitious project, which kicked off in January 2023 with IT4Innovations acting as the coordinator. EXA4MIND is a Horizon Europe project that aims to build an Extreme Data Platform that combines data storage systems and powerful computing infrastructures by implementing novel automated data management and effective data staging.
To reach this goal, we plan to set up a unique Extreme Data Database that enables advanced analytics on supercomputers to unlock data collection from heterogeneous sources, and automatic data harmonisation and annotation on the fly. We propose innovative solutions to complex everyday data-processing problems and address the critical challenges of data analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, effectively enabling access and connectivity across EU supercomputing centres.
The EXA4MIND project is driven by four application cases in molecular dynamics, advanced driver assistance systems, smart agri-viticulture and public health. To support these application cases, we have joined forces to create a unique Extreme Data Platform. We will follow an open-source approach, and I am glad we will contribute to developing the European digital space. I look forward to cooperation with all partners who are top players from renowned universities, research centres, SMEs and the industrial sector. This is the first issue of our newsletter. I believe we will achieve excellent results, so stay tuned and follow us on this exciting journey.
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